Ligustrum spp.
USDA, NRCS. 2018. The PLANTS Database (, 28 March 2018). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.
Illustration courtesy of University of Florida/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. Used with permission.
What is Privet?
Physical Characteristics
- Shrubs
- Up to 30 feet tall
- Elliptical to oval shaped
- Opposite on branches
- 4 lobes
- Small clusters
- Located at ends of twigs
- Stretched
- Black-Blue in color
- Fleshy
- Thin skin
- Containing 1-4 seeds
- Found mostly during the winter
- Bark tan-gray in color
- Smooth
Where Does it Grow?
Glossy privet is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Chinese privet is native to china.
Is it Invasive?
Privet is non-native to North America and is aggressive invader to the native environment.
This plant is not native to North America, but has naturalized in much of the United States. While it is not illegal to possess this plant in Texas, it should not be introduced into new water bodies and should be treated with herbicide when present.
What Type of Privet Do I Have?
There are 2 species of privetĀ in North America. Click on the buttons to learn more about each specific species.